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My first level


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Alright, I got bored and decided to make this thing. It's not that great, and there are a few issues that make it possible to skip a majority of the level, but until the ability to change guard weapon circuit colors and/or remove the Longshot or Deathfluke comes in, these issues are nonresolvable. (Issues with multiple stairs and elevators prevent what could be seen as the 'obvious' workaround, as they allow advancement too early for my liking)


It's pretty linear and short, just get to the top floor and get out.


Test level.lvl

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The ability to use certain skills like Longshot seems to be tied to your progress in the campaign. I've just tried my hand at the level editor before getting very far, and I can't rewire the guns in the level you built.

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Yeah, you're not supposed to do that for this level. I really do wish they gave us the ability to actually toggle items like that, maybe even change the upgrade levels too.

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