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The Wiki usually uses 2 different date orderings for release dates and the like, either "Month Day, Year" or "Day Month Year". The Sample Article says "Month Day, Year" is correct, but some editors use the latter form.


Because the wiki will most likely be used more often by Americans (because we're stupid, tech illiterate fatties, etc.) and the English Wikipedia uses the "Month Day, Year" pattern, I believe this should be the default date arrangement.


I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter and if it's even worth enforcing.

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I never understood how format "MM.DD.YYYY" makes sense for anyone - it's not sorted in any way and i think it's natural for people to sort the date DD.MM.YYYY or YYYY.MM.DD.

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I never understood how format "MM.DD.YYYY" makes sense for anyone - it's not sorted in any way and i think it's natural for people to sort the date DD.MM.YYYY or YYYY.MM.DD.


Sense or not, it's the standard format for the United States, where the majority of English-speaking gamers are. I realize this is a UK site, but a lot of traffic here will be American.

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I know that Americans like to suggest their standards to whole world :). But if i have anything to say i vote for standard international format which is ISO 8601

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I think perhaps it would be a good idea to stick with the Wikipedia standard of Month DD YYYY.


Originally I implemented DD Month YYYY as I felt this made the most sense, but it's probably better to go with the 'majority' view in this case/


Also I'll be moving this thread into the 'Improvements' forum.

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There shouldn't be short versions like MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY, we want to be very clear regarding release dates with no possibility for any confusion regarding the order. I also vote for "Month day, year" as this was something I instigated with Andrew a few months ago and believe this is the best format, seeing the month first rather than a number makes a clear indication and in my personal opinion is easier to read.


I realize this is a UK site, but a lot of traffic here will be American.

There's a lot of traffic from all over the world, the format should be universally pleasing.

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Date template could please everyone if wiki displayed the date from this template in format everyone choose for himself (in options, or just default according to browser/os/region).

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The template idea is great. In America it would default to Month Day, Year while the rest of the world would have sane organization. I'll change as many articles as I can if we make this.


Perhaps the possibility for {{OS|Month|Day|Year}} as well so we can change from super-text to anything else as we wish, as I don't really know whether supertext or Wikipedia version is better.

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