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Multiple versions or editions


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Seems the idea is to cover the latest version of a game, which makes sense. But I was looking back on the Majesty article, and there are many versions of the game. Each one has different issues. A fix for retail doesn't apply for Gold HD, and the Gold HD fixes don't apply on retail. I don't think "buy the new version" is really a valid "fix", if we're trying to fix every PC game...but only the newest releases?


So looking back at the Majesty page, what do you do with an article for a game with four different releases? Right now it lists the different versions, and gives help based on the version. It's also messy that way. So how do we handle games where different releases have different bugs/fixes?

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The situation a fix applies to can be noted as part of the header; "rainbow colours (retail version)", "no sound (HD version)", etc., or if there are a great many fixes for only the one version they could all go under a header for that version.


If the new version is completely different (e.g. an HD remake using a totally different engine) it should have its own page.


Pages should cover all fixes for all releases, generally skipping issues fixed by official patches (issues fixed only by unofficial community patches should still be listed). If a particular issue can't be fixed for a certain release then buying a re-release can be given as a valid solution. One common example of this is Mac OS games with Classic or PowerPC-only versions; these can't run natively on modern systems so the wiki should note the existence of Mac OS X Universal/Intel versions.

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