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Fixboxes unable to contain equal signs


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Fixboxes default to {{1}} if you add an equal sign inside them. This causes problems when changing settings or files with equal signs in them.


For an example go to the Linux section of the Team Fortress 2 Article.


EDIT: I've also found that this also happens when inserting links ([http Text]) into fixboxes.

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To avoid this, specify the parameter number as shown in the Sample Article:




This way equals signs are not misinterpreted as parameters. The Team Fortress 2 example you give did not use fixbox in the suggested manner, hence why problems occur when you include equals signs in the template content. I have fixed the page now. If you have problems like this with fixbox in the future, check to see whether it has the |1= part present.


This applies to all templates, e.g. if an availability link needs an equals sign simply specify numbered parameters for that use of the template (other uses in the availability list can omit the numbers as usual).

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