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PLP Support: How to integrate per game?


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  • 2 weeks later...
"mixed rotation" fullscreen support is limited to 1 card now, but over time it will become the norm. AMD has said this feature will be in future AMD cards. So I have stalled; I am uncertain effort is worthwhile. It will become obsolete data. For this reason, I just now removed the manual PLP instructions from WSGF DRs.


I have tested an R9 285. Eyefinity did not allow mixed rotation of screens, despite promises. All graphics card details:


So I am on the fence on this. Whether or not manual spreading methods are worth documenting further for the short-term. I think it is not worth much exertion.


Here are a couple ideas that would be less work to both insert & remove on pcgamingwiki. Let me know if you think either could be a suitable alternative to "per-game" entries.

1. Long "manual spread" games list page (broken up by years). Page links to existing instructions on PLP wiki.



2. Generic engine entries only, for the general idea per game engine. But for many games, this info will not help much.


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"mixed rotation" fullscreen support is limited to 1 card now, but over time it will become the norm. AMD has said this feature will be in future AMD cards. So I have stalled; I am uncertain effort is worthwhile. It will become obsolete data. For this reason, I just now removed the manual PLP instructions from WSGF DRs.
So I am on the fence on this. Whether or not manual spreading methods are worth documenting further for the short-term. I think it is not worth much exertion.

This is both important for short and high term.

Even between 10 years there will still be people using today hardware, similarly to people that today try to build windows 98 pentium 2 pc.


Besides this, we can't just say nvidia and intel users: go screw yourself. Especially in the short term I'm not aware of any solution they planned to implement.


Then if one's usually this well prepared imo, I usually guess he loves what's he's doing.

Why this sudden uncaring attitude?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Thanks Mirh, it’s been a long fun road.


For now, wsgf blog is good way to include images & is easy per-game entry (no groundwork req'd). pcgw dropped lower on my list of to-dos, because it is harder entry & allows no images.


I can’t just start entering games here, there is groundwork that needs doing (multi-monitor section, PLP space acquired per-game & format how? And then there are engines, how to incorporate? Not straight-forward, all-round rough going). I have no patience ATM, in gaming mode (for next 2-6 months). But I like pcgw site, find it useful. And it seems a great match for these manual spread methods. 


At some point I will stop & think about pcgw again & how PLP might fit here. I don’t check this post much, but will be back when I'm ready. Hopefully won't lose my steam before that, but it is possible: manual PLP is a dying breed. I agree with you that manual spread methods are useful, ongoing. But seems like not many people will be using it, & fewer over time. (When screenshots are included, game entries remain more useful ongoing, because images are relevant to Eyefinity PLP: they give a close representation to what Eyefinity PLP looks like.)


Regarding pcgw per-game space, how would you recommend fitting this lengthy instruction? Is it possible? Would pcgw require cutting text? (Over time instructions have become more verbose, often analysing game’s appearance. This is likely my longest instruction to date, but many are approaching it.)


...will be back in a long while

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I tried best I could, original guide was all but clear.


Then it's not like we disallow images, but of course game page is not the place for analysing game’s appearance or discussions.

If you want to keep them here use talk pages, otherwise I'm pretty sure WSGF is even of a better place (we'll link to them for a reason d:)


And don't lose heart. As I said, if there are even people that play 30 years old games with 20 years old computers, there will be some with spare monitors that will love your work.


Anyway, I managed to keep instructions below 10 points (but if really needed, even 15 is acceptable). SofTH seems a software that deserve a page on its own (perhaps together with similar programs like TripleHead2Go, similarly to borderless tools).

Speaking of which.. which of them do you consider essential? At the moment we are just recommending Borderless Gaming and GeDoSaTo.. but would they work in place of ShiftWindow for example?


See you around soon.


ps: engines have their own pages

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