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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    English installation instructions: This is the official spanish translation for Legacy of Kain: Defiance it's taking from the retail version of the game. To install simply go to the game's root directory (where the game is installed) and drag and drop both files inside this download. Replace when prompted. Español instrucciones de instalación: Esta es la traducción oficial al castellano de Legacy of Kain: Defiance fue tomada de la version de DVD del juego. Para instalar simplemente ir a donde esta instalado el juego y copiar ambos archivos dentro de esta descarga. Sobrescriban los archivos cuando el sistema se los pregunte. Taken from https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=268960400 Uploaded here to host it in pcgamingwiki servers, and for preservation.
  2. Version 1.2


    This incorporates both the base game and expansion translation for you to use in conjuction with the SEF mod. All credit goes to ClanDlan & IlDucci. Esta traducción combina la traducción base del juego y de la expansión para ser compatibles con el mod SEF. Todo el credito va para ClanDlan y IlDucci.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is the official spanish translation for Doom's 3 expansion, Resurrection of Evil, not available for digital versions of the game, only made available for retail ones. This patches the expansion digital versions for their to the official spanish translation. Installation instructions: Simply drag and drop the files inside the "d3xp" folder located inside the root folder of Doom 3 (where the game is installed). Spanish instructions are located inside the file. This is a reupload from an upload made by clandlan http://traducciones.clandlan.net/index.php?page=download&file=AS/doom3EX-ROE_Por_buri18.rar uploaded to pcgamingwiki for preservation purposes.
  4. Version 1.2


    Thief 2 spanish translation English installation instructions: Download and install Tfix2 making sure to uncheck the "english subtitles" option, given that it would conflict with the spanish subtitles. Edit the file "darkinst.cfg" located in the game's installation folder, in the line where it says "language" make sure to change "english" to "spanish+english". Install angel loader and create a backup folder as well as an FM folder where you please, inside the FM folder you must put the downloaded Thief_2_spanish.zip file. Launch the game through angel loader with the selected translation as an FM. For SPANISH installation instructions check inside the downloaded .zip file, they're exactly the same as the english ones, only difference is they're in spanish. This is the spanish translation created by ClanDlan, uploaded to pcgamingwiki for preservation purposes.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is the official translation for Call of Duty and its expansion United Offensive NOTE: United Offensive requires the Call of Duty translation files in order to work. Instructions: simply drag "localized_spanish_pak0.pk3" & "localized_spanish_pak1.pk3" inside "main" folder located in the game's installation folder. For United Offensive drag "localized_spanish_pakuo00.pk3" inside the "uo" folder located in the game's installation folder. To change the language go to Graphics Settings within the game. Instrucciones Español Esta es la traducción oficial para Call of Duty y su expansión United Offensive. NOTA: United Offensive requiere los archivos de traducción de Call of Duty para funcionar. Instrucciones: Simplemente arrastrar "localized_spanish_pak0.pk3" y "localized_spanish_pak1.pk3" dentro de la carpeta "main" ubicada en el folder instalación. Para United Offensive arrastrar "localized_spanish_pakuo00.pk3" dentro de la carpeta "uo" ubicada en el folder de instalación. Para cambiar el lenguaje dentro del juego ir a opciones graficas.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This is the spanish translation for Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest. Not available in digital versions of the game. It is the official translation, not a fan made one. Esta es la traducción al español de Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest. No disponible en las versiones digitales del juego. Es la traduccion oficial, no una hecha por un fanatico. Instructions 1.- Go to root folder (where the game its installed), and open "main" folder located inside root folder and copy Pak6Es.pk3 inside it. 2.- Delete, move, or change the name of any other "Pak6.pk3" file located inside the same folder, given that this will conflict with this file. The last two letters before the file extension define the language of your game so it could be a series of different combinations for example (Pak6Uk.pk3). This would be the file to eliminate. Done. Instrucciones 1.- Ve a la carpeta principal del juego (donde tienes el juego instalado), abre la carpeta "main" que se encuentra dentro de la carpeta principal del juego y copia dentro de ella el archivo Pak6Es.pk3. 2.- Elimina, mueve, o cambia el nombre de cualquier otro archivo llamado "Pak6.pk3" localizado dentro de la misma carpeta del juego, dado a que entrara en "conflicto" con el archivo de traducción. Las ultimas letras antes de la extension del archivo, definen el lenguaje de tu juego, entonces podrían ser una serie de diferentes combinaciones, por ejemplo (Pak6Uk.pk3) Este es el archivo que debemos eliminar. Es todo. This works with the GOG version of the game/Esto funciona con la version GOG del juego.
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