Version 1.0.5
Because of the bad performance of warzone, the player need to change the priority of the game manually, but this application do it automatically.
Launch the application first, select a priority, then application will detect warzone automatically and change the priority to your choice.
Automatically detect the game and will fix the game all-time, until the application itself is running.
It Will Notifies you if there is an update available.
It Will show your pc's hardware information.
It's Secure and Safe To Use,
It's Free, Completely.
Known Issue of this version (1.0.5) :
Maybe some problem with Windows UAC because of the startup.
In some cases, this application could be flagged as a "Trojan" due to registering some data(updates and priority status) to the system registry.
Path to registry root :
This application is tested on various systems and it's safe to use, but Use this software at your own risk.
Developed With 💖 By CodeMage.