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Extract and run the file named MaxPayne2BonusChapters.exe to install the Bonus Chapters. Installing Bonus Chapters release adds two more Dead Man Walking Chapters into Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. Run the game and two new Chapters will be available under "New Game/Dead Man Walking" menu selection. Keep in mind that Dead Man Walking gameplay mode is only unlocked after you've completed the game for the first time. The new maps are: * Upper East Side * Mona's Playground Source: -
Version 1.0
Spider-Man was a 2001 video game released by Activision, based on the movie of the same name. This disc contains a special demo of the Spider-Man game, along with promotional material for the movie. In April 2002, Kellogg's offered this CD-ROM for free in exchange for some UPCs of their cereals and 2 proof-of-purchases from gallon milk jugs, as part of a campaign with "America's Dairy Farmers and Milk Processors" (the creators of "Got Milk?".) There are some differences between this Kellogg's Edition of the game and the original, including in-game billboard ads for The Kellogg Company and "Got Milk?", a player model texture swap, and the title screen having it's graphics swapped with promotional art from the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movie. This demo was also updated in technical aspects. The demo contains a native 30 FPS cap absent from the full release, support for higher resolutions, and support for more modern controllers. The demo allows players to play until the end of the Rhino boss battle. The demo removes the training, gallery, and cheat functions from the full game. All you need to do to launch the game is un-zip the download, navigate to the "demo" folder, and launch "SpideyPC". Installation is optional on most modern systems. To access the bonus content, you can navigate the folder, or use the "Launcher" within the base folder. Full program installation is also an option from this application.