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Codename Eagle - 1.43 "Cumulative" Patch (Unofficial)

About This File


- Removes the 2000 limit on the 'viewdist' command line parameter.

- Removes the zoom-out limit in the F9 view

- Removes the zoom-in limit in the F9 view

- Removes 100 ... 500 limit on FOV F12 command line parameter (250 is default).

- Lengthened the vehicle popup distance so vehicles appear sooner. (NB CE must be set to high detail for this to work)

- Fixed CE hanging intermittently upon exiting the torpedo boat.

- Fixed Font scaling at higher resolutions so text does not overlap and it can be clearly read.

- Similarly fixed the version display on the level load screen so it can be read at higher resolutions.

- Show teammates "T" in the tab map

- Fixed bug in the scripting function "REFGetPlayerInx(PlayerNr, Inx)" to allow it to handle undefined PlayerNr's

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