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Need for Speed III Modern patch

About This File

This patch makes the game run in widescreen resolutions and contains lots of bugfixes and improvements. See readme-en.txt for the full changelog.


The patch was made by VEG from Zeus Software board and was uploaded here with his permission.

What's New in Version 1.2.0   See changelog


  • - If ini file hasn't some setting, program tries to read environment variable with name like SECTION_SETTINGNAME, e.g. for setting NoMovie in the [NFS3] section environment variable name will be NFS3_NOMOVIE. If environment also isn't present default value will be used.
  • - Fixed a bug according to race type autoselection in the race selection dialog (Hot Pursuit and Tournament were mixed up).
  • - Mercedes and Ferrari cars aren't locked in the Hot Pursuit mode. It seems that it had been done because of licensing restrictions. Thanks to Manticore for a hint.
  • - Structure of thrash video drivers was changed. All drivers stored in “drivers” directory. Every driver has own subdirectory with name which is used in VideoDriver ini setting. Inside this subdirectory have to be dll file of the driver and file thrash.ini with information about this driver (File and Type are required fields, type may be null, d3d, voodoo, or software). This change allows to save several different Glide API emulators to neighbour directories and use them when needed.
  • - Some thrash driver capabilities could be set in thrash.ini: FogSupport and LightBeams. For example, it allows to override hardcoded values and allow to use fog for d3d thrash driver (if this driver supports it). It allows to use fog in the dx6 thrash driver from NFS4/3DSETUP.
  • - Thrash driver is loaded only once.
  • - When game can't init thrash driver error message box is displayed. In the original version there was no error reporting.
  • - Resolutions count limit was extended up to 100.
  • - Fixed a bug of the first release of this patch: returning to the main setup menu instead of a menu of a current game mode.
  • - Added an ini setting DirectDrawLagFix which fixes performance problems of DirectX 5/6/7 in Windows 8+ via enabling “DXPrimaryEmulation -DisableMaxWindowedMode” compatibility mode (enabled by default).
  • - Added an ini setting KeyboardHook which allows to disable keyboard hook that has been used by the game for blocking Win key and keystrokes like Ctrl+Esc, but this code doesn't work in Windows 7+ so it is better to disable it (disabled by default).
  • - Slightly better multilanguage support. When language directory is absent in the ./GameData/Audio/Speech/ directory the game doesn't crash and uses sound files from the English subdirectory. Also Swedish language can use own speech sounds (original game uses English sounds for it) now. The name of the language directory have to be Swedish, and the one-letter code in file names is W.
  • - config.dat was moved to its original destination (./FeData/Config/) for preserving settings of original NFS3 when updating. However, graphics settings are reset to their defaults in this case (because format is changed a little).
  • Changes in dx6.dll thrash driver:
  • - Based on the 3dsetup/d3da.dll from the NFS4, supports fog effect in the NFS3.
  • - Fixed a bug according to non-working fog effect on modern systems. (Thanks Dege for debugging this driver and much valuable information about Direct 3D.)
  • - Fixed a crash when system supports too many texture formats. (Also thanks Dege.)
  • - Resolutions count limit was extended up to 100.
  • - The driver hides resolutions with height lower than 480 pixels now.
  • - 640×480 always reported as 16-bit because intro movie doesn't works in 32-bit mode. Other resolutions are reported as 32-bit if they are available.
  • Changes in voodoo2.dll thrash driver:
  • - Firstly file glide3x.dll is searched in the same directory from where voodoo2.dll is loaded, then it is searched in current directory, and then in system directory. This change allows to save several different Glide API emulators to neighbour directories and use them when needed.
  • - Thrash driver voodoo2.dll distributed with two different Glide API emulators: nGlide and dgVoodoo. You have to choose nglide or dgvoodoo instead of voodoo2 in the VideoDriver ini setting.
  • - If you would like to play NFS3 on real 3dfx Voodoo 2 hardware, create new subdirectory with name voodoo2, copy into this directory files thrash.ini and voodoo2.dll from the dgvoodoo subdirectory, set VideoDriver ini setting to voodoo2.
  • - glide3x.dll is loaded only once.
  • - Resolutions count limit was extended up to 100.
  • Changes in nglide.dll thrash driver:
  • - It's a slightly changed version of voodoo2.dll with special code for the nGlide wrapper. It's created to prevent unwanted using global settings of nGlide.
  • - This is done by setting NGLIDE_* environment variables before glide3x.dll loading. Every setting is gotten from the [NGLIDE] section of according thrash.ini file. Each setting of this section is formatted like NGLIDE_SETTINGNAME and used as name of an environment variable. Names of settings and their formats can be found at the official nGlide forum: http://www.zeus-software.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=796
  • - If you would like to use global nGlide settings, just remove [NGLIDE] section in the ./drivers/nglide/thrash.ini file.
  • - Bundled with nGlide v1.04.2 (this version also fixes possible problems with projected headlights).

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