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GMDX vRSD Beta 2.1+2.2 Hotfix

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#### BETA 2.1 CHANGES #####
-Fixed corpse fly changes only applying to animal carcasses (doy)
-Fixed decimal damage increases not displaying in weapon tooltips as intended
-Fixed expanded secondary items (flares, binoculars, tech goggles, medkits/biocells) not resetting when dropped/used up
-Fixed projectile gravity rework nerfing NPCs firing crossbow darts
-Decreased player dart gravity from 50% to 45%
-Reverted a "fix" that gave diminishing fall protection from Run Silent due to a misinterpretation of code, now again on par with Speed Enhancement
-Fixed datacube referencing Energy Transference aug (now replaced by Ammo Capacity)
-Fixed Regeneration aug not deactivating properly when at full health due to average health now properly accounting for additive bonuses
-New decimal damage variation now only applies to enemies to avoid edge cases with damage thresholds
-Fixed close-range tracers so zoomed weapons still consistently produce water splashing
-Removed stray rectangular texture in skills window with HUD translucency enabled
-Added a failsafe to ensure patrolling MJ12 Elites do not cloak on game load
-Added a failsafe to ensure weapons retain the proper inventory icon when at default rotation
-Fixed weapon tooltip implying ROF mods decreased weapon ROF
-Fixed weapon tooltips truncating base value in decimal rounding (e.g. 0.99 rounded to 1.0 displaying as 0.0)
-Fixed sniper rifle viewmodel acquiring the wrong textures when transitioning from FOMOD Beta -> vanilla
-Fixed script log errors:
    -Aug Canister Scramble debug logspam
    -Difficulty modifier logspam
    -GMDX fixes and balance changes for items transferred in conversation
    -Secondary item quickdraw finish when out of ammo
    -Secondary item equip tooltip
    -Belt HUD ammo text for grenades
    -New repairbot window
    -Corpse fly spawn check
    -Corpse name fix
    -Pistol/Sniper Rifle HDTP toggle during reload anims
-Increased base 10mm ammo capacity from 40 to 50
-Disabled secondary item usage when carrying physics objects (e.g. crates)
-Decreased Sam Carter's 7.62mm ammo given for showing restraint in Castle Clinton from 64 to 60 (2 clips) 
-Reworked Weapon Mod Randomization, all weapon mods now in the same pool to increase variance and discourage scumming for specific mods
-Changed cigarettes max copies from 10 -> 5 to make management more involved
-Sniper Rifle base damage reduced from 28 to 25 (vanilla), as it was simply too potent as an alternative lockpick
-Super MIB health on Hardcore reduced from 850 -> 800 so two Master-level sniper rifle headshots are still enough to kill
-Removed targeting info (crosshair IFF, accuracy reticles, targeting aug window) when aiming at cloaked enemies without infravision
-On Hardcore difficulty, the last wearable in a stack is now deleted upon depletion as in v9
-Nicotine withdrawal now reduces stamina regeneration by 50% only, no effect on running stamina drain
-Alcohol withdrawal now reduces accuracy by 20% instead of 15%
-Reverted Military Bot rocket damage (240->100) and blast radius (24ft->15ft) nerfs on Hardcore difficulty
-Removed Assault Gun underbarrel EMP attack from enemies except on Hardcore difficulty


####  Hotfix 2.2 source: https://discord.com/channels/297900633896255488/475950255028830239/938220104699756585 ####

RoSoDude: super secret beta 2.2 hotfix I never really released anywhere but you can have it there you go

-Decreased Dragon's Tooth Sword base damage from 22 to 20 (maximum damage from 83.6 to 76, can no longer smash threshold 80 objects)
-Decreased Sword base damage from 19 to 16
-Extended Weapon Mod Randomization modifier to weapon mods found in NPC and corpse inventories
-Rebalanced weapon mod distribution in the randomizer (based on upcoming Beta 3 map updates)
-Laser dot size now scales with distance up to 75ft (10% of maximum size up close)
-Reduced pepper gun gas cloud size by 25% to help with shooting around corners
-Fixed fans (e.g. Brooklyn Naval Shipyard) instagibbing the player on touch, now properly gib only when crushed
-Fixed non-exploding projectiles not detonating wall mines on impact
RoSoDude: I have a bunch of unreleased map changes sitting on my hard drive somewhere, someday I'll release it when I can be assed

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