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DOOM 3 / DOOM 3 - Resurrection of Evil (original version) Enhancement recopilatory

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About This File

· "Recopilatory for DOOM 3 / DOOM 3 - Resurrection of Evil":

--- Fixes and improvements recopilatory for original "DOOM 3 and DOOM 3 - RoE" ---

-Improved elements for DOOM 3 and his (official) expansion, almost all things are recopilated from other autors, but it's useful to have them all in one file for the best DOOM 3 (original) experience.

-Put the game to original 60 Hz / FPS (uses less resources and avoids bugs).

-Clearer texts.

-Enhanced shader effects and other things.

-Use of widescreen resolution. Default 1600x900 (can be changed in "autoexec.cfg", see below).

-Maximizing graphics without compromising performance (active Vsync preventing tearing).

-- Use --

Uncompress and Overwrite (if asked) all files when you put them in "DOOM 3" game folder.


· Credits and additional information:

· Arls improvements for DOOM 3 / RoE:



*Note: only in the DOOM 3 improvement I deleted some files because they were the cause of strange shadows and flickerings (Dr. Betruger eye and shadows of possessed soldiers with guns).

· "Next & Better Shaders v5.5 - Doom 3" by Dafama2k7:


*Note: only used one of them: "zzz_cool_ng_shaders_rfl_dfm_d3.pk4", to maintain vanilla feel.

· Fjapo: modified "Doom3.exe" to allow the use of 4Gb of RAM, and added "Doom3RoE.exe" to execute the expansion directly. Modifications in "autoexec.cfg" to improve performance and quality, also enhanced texts image quality, now they show clearer than in original. By default now DOOM 3 uses 16:9 aspect ratio and a resolution of 1600x900, but this can be modified opening "autoexe.cfg" with any text reader (notepad).

It's important to know that "autoexec.cfg" has priority over DoomConfig.cfg, so modify autoexec to permanent changes, not use on-game screen resolution change option and quality. This is done in the autoexec file. *Note: some minor elements are shown "stretched" (menus, PDA, etc.) but its a really minor problem, I prefer this game over "Doom 3 BFG".

-Recommended options that can be changed in "autoexec.cfg":

seta sys_lang "english" //(Options: english, french, german, italian, polish, russian, spanish)

seta r_multiSamples "4" //(Antialiasing: Options = 0, 2, 4, 8, 16)

seta r_aspectRatio "1" //(0 = 4:3, 1 = 16:9, 2 = 16:10)

seta r_customWidth "1600" //(Your screen width)

seta r_customHeight "900" //(Your screen height)

seta sys_lang "english" - only need to change if your version of DOOM 3 uses other language. (Don't touch this in the "fixes for Spanish" version, it's ready for spanish).

I only recommend to modify these lines only if you want to change resolution, aspect ratio or antialiasing level. The rest must be left alone. Try it by your own risk.

* REMEMBER: you need to put one copy of the modified "autoexec.cfg" in both folders: "base" and "d3xp" to use the same config in DOOM 3 and in its expansion.

*** Note only for the specific SPANISH version of this enhancement:
*** Fixes for Spanish version: Doom 3 has an error with spanish auto-saves causing some auto-save levels disappear as you progress. So I put for Doom 3 (not RoE, luckily in "DOOM 3 - RoE" this does not happen) the english auto-saves, with these 2 files in "base" directory: "pak005.pak" and "zpak001.pk4", with this DOOM 3 spanish will correct the auto-saves, and only the names of the auto-save levels will remain in english, maintaining all the rest in spanish.

· All credits to the corresponding and mentioned authors.


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