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Thief: Deadly Shadows patch

About This File

v1.1 Patch for retail versions of Thief: Deadly Shadows. Digital distribution versions already include this patch.


This file was originally downloaded from FilePlanet.




Thief: Deadly Shadows - Patch v1.1


1.1 Items Fixed


1. Difficulty Settings not working properly with the Save/Load system. This patch fixes the problem the player has with the game resetting the difficulty from Expert or Hard to Normal, or from Easy to Normal, when the game is re-loaded in-mission or if the player transitions more than once in any mission.


The patch is self extracting; simply download the patch to your desktop and unzip it using Winzip. Double-click the file Thief Deadly Shadows Patch.exe to install.


1.2 Known Issues


1. If the user has manually edited any of the configuration (.ini) files in the Thief:Deadly Shadows directory we strongly recommend that the user uninstall and reinstall the retail version of the game, and then apply the patch. Failure to do so will likely result in the patch being unable to install correctly.


2. Pre-patched saved games should be 100% compatible with version 1.1


3. If the user chooses to restart a mission after loading a save game, the user must select the appropriate level of difficulty from the Difficulty menu.


4. The game's version number changes from v1.0 to v1.1.

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