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Dr. Brain: Action Reaction - FOV Fix

6 Screenshots

About This File

Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the platform game "Dr. Brain: Action Reaction" (1999), as the game's engine, Unreal Engine 1, crops the field of view at aspect ratios wider than 4:3 (Vert-). This is a permanent fix, so it's no longer needed to run the "fov" command every level reset/restart or when cameras change during levels, or having to bind the command to a key.

Source code available here: https://github.com/alphayellow1/AlphaYellowWidescreenFixes/blob/main/source/fixes/DrBrainActionReactionFOVFix


1. Extract all files to <path-to-game>/DBACTREA/System/.

2. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV and FOV factor in DrBrainActionReactionFOVFix.ini.

3. Download Xenos from here.

4. Extract Xenos.exe to the game folder.

5. Run the game and then alt+tab.

6. Start Xenos.exe, choose the game's process in the dropdown menu right next to "Process" (choose SPORE.EXE).

7. Drag DrBrainActionReactionFOVFix.asi to the white box below "Images".

8. Press "Inject" and that's it.

- Issues:

:-: This process has to be repeated everytime you run the game. Since the executable doesn't load any of the DLLs the ASI loader supports, this was the only fast way I found to load the ASI file into the game.

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