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Clive Barker's Undying - Fixes - (Spanish)

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• "Clive Barker's Undying - Fixes - Spanish"

For any version of the game. It converts the texts into Spanish (it contains an "improved" version of the journal texts) and allows you to save 18 games instead of 10. For better performance use "dgVoodoo 2" because the game has new windows problems. When you load the game, the video does not appear before you start the game, so the "3D Hardware" detection error does not occur. The executable can use up to 4GB of RAM.

- Installation -

It already brings created folders, therefore it must be installed in the folder where the game is installed, because it already brings the folders "Help", "System" and "Textures" (overwrite everything when install).
"Attention!": The original (Spanish) version brings the following files in "Sounds" with this format "LevelMechanics_est.uax" and "Voiceover_est.uax", you have to remove the "_est" from the name and they should look like this: "LevelMechanics.uax "and" Voiceover.uax ".

- Features -

Arrangements for Clive Barker's Undying. The file "UndyingShellPC.u" what it does is to put the game menus, the environment of the journal and the settings in Spanish, in addition to adding the possibility of running it in more resolutions than originally could. Added 8 more save slots.

*Note: the GOG version uses nGlide, the driver uses Glide and the video only goes to 16-bit, but it works fine.

*Recommendation (this version already comes in the file): use "dgVoodoo 2" (version 2.6 / 2.8.2, the ones I know are going well). By default the "System.ini" of the file already puts the driver in Direct3D, using 32-bit, with graphical advantages over the Glide version (better character shadows, these do not disappear according to the angle and better transparencies when using 32-bits).

-- Being an old game has certain problems, if we do not use "dgVoodoo 2" the game YES it will work in "Direct3D", but the brightness can not be changed (not responds in the game) and everything may look very dark. --


-Changed "Undying.exe" for other executable because the first one can cause crashes (I was unable to launch the game in a laptop), adding FXAA to the game using and old version of ReShade (as "d3d11.dll"), minor fixes in video screen (adding sound FX in selections).

-Updated diary corrections.

-Added the "voiceover.uax" file that makes the subtitles in Spanish appear in the game in non-original Spanish versions (this file is the same as the one indicated in - Installation -, so it would not be necessary to change the name to this file in Spanish versions of the game, but it is necessary to do with the file "LevelMechanics_est.uax").

-Use common resolutions up to 1920x1080 (subtitles shrink on higher resolutions).

-Added Detail Textures with files updated, modified and / or improved for the most part with respect to the original version: http://www.undyingitalia.it/public/index.php?pid=2

*Note explaining about Detail Textures: In "System.ini" search for "[D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice]" and change to "DetailTextures=True" and also put "VolumetricLighting=False" because Detail Textures does not show in areas with Volumetric Lighting activated. (The fix uses Detail Textures without Volumetric Lighting being active).

· Credits:

-There may be used and/or modified parts of other authors although I do not know their names.

-Use dgVoodoo2 (v2.6 / v2.8.2): http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2/

-ReShade: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wdfnrzhsk0bea07/ReShade_Setup_4.9.1.exe/file

-Original - Detail Textures: http://www.undyingitalia.it/public/index.php?pid=2

-Fjapo (2023).


What's New in Version 1.4a + Detail Textures   See changelog


*DgVoodo 2.8.2 allows the ability to limit FPS, the game was limited to 60 FPS in the file "dgVoodoo.conf".

I forget to limit FPS because I had it limited in my graphic card control panel, but is better to do this in "dgVoodoo.conf", assuring the proper functioning of the game. It needs a limit of 60 FPS.

The option is: "FPSLimit = 60".


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Thank you very much for the translation. I have tested it with the GOG version and it works great.

I have tried to test it with the Undying Renewal 1.3 mod but I can't make it compatible. Have you tried this mod?

I have also tried with the official translation that was in ClanDLAN but it does not work with Renewal either.

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