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Dragon Star Varnir FPS Uncapper (Up to 240FPS)

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About This File

This patcher will change the 60FPS cap in Dragon Star Varnir to 240FPS. Running the game at this maximum framerate requires a beefy GPU, and the lack of gameplay issues isn't guaranteed (but from my time testing the patch, I haven't stumbled across major issues). The method to uncap the framerate also works for other games that use the same engine as MegaDimension Neptunia VIIR (from my testing), but will require separate patchers.

Unpack the .rar archive using 7-Zip or WinRAR, and then patch the game executable (DragonStarVarnir.exe).

In case you want to do this on your own, instead of relying on this patcher, using your hex editor of choice, search for the hex value "40 55 55 85 41 55", and replace it with "40 71 1C 87 40 55". It should start at the third byte at the offset "00C2EFD0" for those lost. This offset and value may change with future updates of the game.

The password to the archive is: pcgw

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