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Hello all!


My name is Rick and I'm from the Quake2-RA2(Rocket Arena 2) community and I'm here to invite any and ALL to come play one of the faster FPS games/mods of ALL time, Quake 2 RA2!  It is free to download and free to play!(links will be at the bottom).  Over the last few months, we've been able to bring RA2 back from the dead and are getting games going basically every night, but the main nights are Tuesday/Saturday nights at 10-11ish PM EST.  



Quake 2 has dwindled over the years and I'm here to try to bring her back close to her former glory(hopefully :D ) by providing the necessary links to files for you to get started.  We're hoping to get as many people(and clans) to come either try out RA2 for the first time and/or get the old schoolers back, as we are planning on doing either weekly/bi-weekly tourneys so that we can bring the competition side back to Quake2 RA2!  



There is a bit of a learning curve that comes with Quake2 and the game's netcode kinda relies on you having a good connection(otherwise, you might lag a bit), but please, don't get discouraged!  Give it some time and you'll be a Q2 God in no time!  And if you don't have a clan and want to participate in the tourney's we plan on throwing, it's no problem.  We'll have a thread that you can post in and we'll find you one!  



Quake 2 is an all around amazing game that still has a community even after 16 years.(many thanks to quadz for hosting the servers/forums and keeping everyone together for so long!).  It's a game that anyone can enjoy, and of course the best part is, it's free to play!  So grab the files you need, invite a friend/clan to come along to come enjoy the mayhem that RA2 provides! NOTE: RA2 tonight prolly won't start til around 10ish EST and I'll post the server IP below.



Quake 2 may have dwindled down a LOT over the years, but we've been able to bring RA2 back from the dead a few times(this will hopefully be it's 5th time) and the CTF scene is also very much alive ( http://www.acmectf.com ) they throw cups every other month or so.  And Team Deathmatch gets played nightly(not many play anymore, but that's what we are trying to change!) So come back or come try one of the games that started it all and lets get this thing back up and going!  






To download Q2: http://ra2.tastyspleen.net/downloads.html


To CONNECT or to FIND servers to play on, download the Quake II Server Browser Here: http://r-1.ch/qsb-beta3.zip  <---RA2 servers are listed as "v2.25" if you sort by Mod.  The main RA2 server that we all play on is: tastyspleen.net::ra2 


For HELP or other inquiries, please go to: http://tastyspleen.net


Another source to get faster help is to download mIRC ( http://www.mirc.com/get.html ) and to log on the ETG(EnterTheGame) server and join the channel #RA2 or #tastyspleen and ask away!  #RA2 is also going to be the main channel, so you may want to idle there anyway to receive updates/info on upcoming tournies etc.  




PS: I am spamming this everywhere I can and I hope I don't upset anyone in the process.  I am just trying to bring back a game that was SO fun to play, even after 15-16 years of playing it, it STILL has multiple communities after all this time!  If you have any questions about ANYTHING, I will do my BEST to post back but I'm trying to reach as many places as I can so it might take me awhile, but getting on IRC and asking me on there {name is [eL]RICK}, will net you a much faster response!  Also, almost ANY question you might have SHOULD be answered already in some form on the http://forum.tastyspleen.net/quake/index.php?action=forum forums! Hope to see you all in game!


PSS: Many RA2/CTF/TDM games normally don't get going til later in the day, but if I can reach out to as many people as I'm hoping for, we can get games going all day long again!  And Jehar (from http://tastyspleen.tv/ , who has casted many games etc and is very well respected) plans on casting matches as much as he can!  This will be pretty NEW to RA2 since it's never had LIVE casting before ever!  So lets bring this game back and have fun!

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I used to play a TON of Rocket Arena 2, in fact it was the first multiplayer game I played in a proper clan participating in tournaments. This was back in the day of my trusty 56k modem and Jolt, BarrysWorld, and various other UK servers. There used to be a big UK RA2 community and it centred around a player called WarForge who used to host a website and post regularly about RA2 servers and players.


Now it's years later and the sequel Rocket Arena 3 for Quake 3 didn't quite live up to RA2 in my opinion. However these days, Quake Live's Clan Arena mods has scratched the RA2 itch somewhat, but it's a far cry from original Rocket Arena 2.


I'll have to check out this IRC channel and if there's any activity on there.

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