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Date format should be merged into one format for all games


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What page is that screenshot from? It's possible what you're seeing is a page or system limitation.

The wiki uses an extremely expensive date template to convert from different time formats to a shared one, and that template tend to run into the maximum allowed "costly operations" limit of the wiki on larger lists.

In the backend all dates should (if everything works as intended anyway) be stored in the ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) already, and this value is also supposed to be used in the source of pages to allow sorting (as part of a data-sort-value attribute on the TD element) as well since the UK/US format (April 5, 2007) isn't sortable at all.

So what you're seeing here might in fact be the result of two things:

1. The page in question does not make use of the "data-sort-value" attribute properly as intended.

2. When processing the page, the wiki run into its ceiling for expensive operations and cancelled the ISO-to-US/UK format conversion for the displayed date in the middle of the page.

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21 hours ago, Aemony said:


wiki 使用极其昂贵的日期模板来从不同的时间格式转换为共享的时间格式,并且该模板往往会在较大的列表上遇到 wiki 所允许的最大“昂贵操作”限制。

在后端,所有日期(如果一切都按预期工作)应该已经以 ISO 格式(YYYY-MM-DD)存储,并且该值也应该在页面源中使用以允许排序(作为TD 元素上的 data-sort-value 属性)以及英国/美国格式(2007 年 4 月 5 日)根本不可排序。


1. 相关页面未按预期正确使用“data-sort-value”属性。

2. 在处理页面时,wiki 遇到了昂贵操作的上限,并取消了页面中间显示日期的 ISO 到 US/UK 格式转换。



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