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Will Rock (2003)

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well, i learned a lot about dgVoodoo and DDrawCompat in the last couple days, but i got this game running on win10 without needing any of that: it runs after disabling sounds in the willrock.ini file (setting that line to "No"). however, i would really like to play this one with sound. i don't see anything obvious about hardware in the sound options, like selecting a device. i use a fairly high-end USB 2.0 audio interface (RME FireFace UC) because my day job is in radio production - so i'd rather not unplug it from the machine, and i'm not sure that would change anything, as every other old game has run fine or had issues unrelated to sound. i tried a couple things like changing the interface's sample rate to 44.1 kHz (i usually work at 48 kHz) but nothing seemed to help. i have installed it from a retail disc and applied the 1.2 patch.

thanks, all!

edited to add: even with sound disabled, the intro movies are audible.

Edited by spider_allen2
clarity and specificity
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more things i've tried, to no avail:

  • renaming sounds folder
  • renaming individual sounds that were probably trying to load for the main menu (the theme song, Intro.mp3, music_intro.mp3 - these are in <gamepath>\sounds\music
  • renaming intro movies (skips them when running with sound off - when sound is on, it crashes before the ATi splash screen)
  • enabling sound, but disabling all or various combinations of "ambient," "shooting," "voice," "music," and "SFX" in willrock.ini
  • changing various settings using the options window - this is supposed to come up when holding "shift" while launching, but the only way i've had it open was setting the video resolution in the ini to something unavailable, like nonsense dimensions, and then it'll say "can't find video mode" and go to the options window. looking in task manager i think this is just a part of willrock.exe. the sound options here are no different than what you can edit from game menus or the .ini
  • when running the game in windows xp sp2 compatibility mode, it will generate a WillRock_GPF.log file after crashing when sound is enabled. pasted below. it will run in xp compatibility mode with sound disabled, but with it enabled, the crash is at the main menu after the ATi splash screen. the main menu does not display, it's just a black screen, although the custom shovel cursor does appear.
GPF occured at 0x004B5C45
Build Date Jun 16 2003;  Crash Date: Sun Apr 02 15:49:46 2023
Computer Name: DESKTOP-4FH515H
Cur     Mem: Phisical: 1073 (Avail 1073),    Swap: 2147 (Avail 1073),  
Startup Mem: Phisical: 1073 (Avail 1073),    Swap: 2147 (Avail 1073),  
EAX = 0xCC580095    EBX = 0x0A8998F8    ECX = 0x0019FF60    EDX = 0x7FFFFFFF
ESI = 0x08B22A10    EDI = 0x08B2409E    EBP = 0x00000000    EIP = 0x0019FB50
GS = 0x002B    FS = 0x0053    ES = 0x002B    DS = 0x002B    CS = 0x0023     SS = 0x002B
Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470
gsAppState: 0x0014B001,  Active = 1, Startup = 0, Started = 0, Loaded = 262144 , InMenu = 4096, SL_Loading = 0
CPU Freq: 1500,  CPU Make: AMD,  SIMD: SSE,  Video Mem: 64,  GF2: Higher
Build 1.002.0000
Version: RETAIL
Play time 2.210731,  Scene ..\SCENES\ui.lg
nInst: 46  nTpl: 51  nEmit: 25  nSdr: 2
Game Mode: SINGLE 
Current weapon: pwp_svl
Current skin: -1
Game History: 1 records
   #: 0  Ev: CRASH_GAME  Time: Sun Apr 02 15:49:46 2023
         Scene: ui Mode: (null)  Style: -1
         nInst: 46  nTpl: 51  nEmit: 25  nSdr: 2
0: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:    wr_ui_cherep;    nameTpl:         Actor_cherep   nameInst:         Actor_cherep   stateMP: 0
1: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:                 Base   nameInst:                 Base   stateMP: 0
2: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:                ;    nameTpl:               font_s   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
3: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:                ;    nameTpl:               font_b   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
4: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:                ;    nameTpl:               font_h   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
5: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:                ;    nameTpl:                   ui   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
6: [mpID: -3] notRT  nameClass:          player;    nameTpl:               player   nameInst:                        stateMP: 30
7: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_svl;    nameTpl:              pwp_svl   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
8: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_clt;    nameTpl:              pwp_clt   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
9: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:        sfx_mcg_flare   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
10: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_stg;    nameTpl:              pwp_stg   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
11: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:        sfx_mcg_flare   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
12: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_mcg;    nameTpl:              pwp_mcg   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
13: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:        sfx_mcg_flare   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
14: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_crb;    nameTpl:              pwp_crb   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
15: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_acd;    nameTpl:              pwp_acd   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
16: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:        sfx_acd_flare   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
17: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_bsk;    nameTpl:              pwp_bsk   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
18: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:        sfx_bsk_smoke   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
19: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_mdg;    nameTpl:              pwp_mdg   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
20: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_mng;    nameTpl:              pwp_mng   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
21: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:        sfx_mng_flare   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
22: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_bmb;    nameTpl:              pwp_bmb   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
23: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_amg;    nameTpl:              pwp_amg   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
24: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:       player_mp;    nameTpl:            player_mp   nameInst:            player_3d   stateMP: 0
25: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_svl;    nameTpl:         pwp_svl_item   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
26: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_clt;    nameTpl:         pwp_clt_item   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
27: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:        sfx_mcg_flare   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
28: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_stg;    nameTpl:         pwp_stg_item   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
29: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:        sfx_mcg_flare   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
30: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_mcg;    nameTpl:         pwp_mcg_item   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
31: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:        sfx_mcg_flare   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
32: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_crb;    nameTpl:         pwp_crb_item   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
33: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_acd;    nameTpl:         pwp_acd_item   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
34: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:        sfx_acd_flare   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
35: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_bsk;    nameTpl:         pwp_bsk_item   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
36: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:        sfx_bsk_smoke   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
37: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_mdg;    nameTpl:         pwp_mdg_item   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
38: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_mng;    nameTpl:         pwp_mng_item   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
39: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         dynamic;    nameTpl:        sfx_mng_flare   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
40: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_bmb;    nameTpl:         pwp_bmb_item   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
41: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:         pwp_amg;    nameTpl:         pwp_amg_item   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
42: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:  sob_tra_camera;    nameTpl: sfx_trading_altar_camera   nameInst:                        stateMP: 0
43: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:   ui_snd_woofer;    nameTpl:            __DUMMY__   nameInst:               Woofer   stateMP: 0
44: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:       sfx_flame;    nameTpl:            sfx_flame   nameInst:        Actor_Flame01   stateMP: 0
45: [mpID: -1] notRT  nameClass:       sfx_flame;    nameTpl:            sfx_flame   nameInst:        Actor_Flame02   stateMP: 0


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okay. solved by unplugging my audio interface. i can run the game with sound - and hear it - by plugging my headphones into my monitor's jack and selecting HDMI as the sound device. i do wish there were a way to use this through my normal interface and audio setup, but it seems like something about the RME drivers do not agree with the game. could be something about ASIO mode. it'd be cool if someone can suggest a fix that would let me play this "normally," but i do at least have one option to make it run now. feel free to move to "concluded," i suppose.

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