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Spider-Man (2001) Crash Upon Load (SOLVED)


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Hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum.

This issue regards the PC port of the 2001 Spider-Man game, wherein no matter what I do, the game crashes upon load, or rather, I open the exe and it just closes immediately.  Being somewhat familiar with wrappers and such, I've been around this block before, and have even gotten this game to run on the same system I'm on now, but for some reason, it no longer seems to want to start.

Here's what I've done:

I've "acquired" the game and have run the standard installation wizard after mounting, and followed all instructions on the PC Gaming Wiki page for this game.  Previously, I had very few issues that I wasn't able to solve, but now the game just refuses to launch.  I've tried using both DxWnd and DGVoodoo2 in conjunction with each other, as I've done before, but no matter what I do the game opens and immediately closes.

Before my numerous attempts, I had to reinstall Windows twice, so I'm not sure if that factors into the equation or not, as some settings may have gotten scrambled or destroyed or what have you.

I would also like to note that even though I'm running the installer, it always says "reinstall" even though I've already uninstalled the program via the control panel.  I'm not sure if this is due to me having "acquired" several different copies, but this should not matter, as each time I've started the process of managing this game from the beginning, I've always uninstalled every previous version.  I've tried running the no CD fix which is supposed to allow the game to run sans the DRM, but I'm not sure if this is also causing problems.

Needless to say, I'm very confused as to what I'm doing wrong, as I was previously able to run this game with few issues, but now I can't even get the game to launch despite increasingly desperate amounts of research.  I have decided to come to the community hoping that someone has a solution for this.

Thanks guys.



I have solved this problem by reinstalling the game and manually editing the Hex value myself instead of using "patches" which did not work.  I am also using DGVoodoo2 alone instead of DxWnd, as running these two together seems to cause substantial slowdown, will update when applicable.

Edited by marioguy789
Solved Problem (Will Explain)
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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I'm also interested in getting this game to run and am running into the same issue. I've tried applying the dgvoodoo2 wrapper dlls but to no avail. Can you elaborate on what you did by "editing the hex value" ?


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Hello, @vingt-2

If you look on the PC Gaming Wiki article for this game, the CD is required for the game to run, but if you use a hex editor like HxD on the spidey.exe, you can change the value of Offset 0x00116460 from 0x1A to 0x33.

Essentially, load HxD, direct it to spidey.exe, then locate 00116460 in the left-hand panel (you'll have to keep scrolling until you find it unless you know how to use the program effectively, which I don't).  Once you find that offset, change the first byte, which should be 1A, to 33.  This should allow you to play the game without having an image mounted, either physically or virtually.

I hope this makes sense.

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Oh god I just realized we're not talking about the same game 🤦‍♂️. I'm trying to boot the first movie based game... Sorry for wasting your time, and thanks for taking the time to reply :).

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