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Cyberpunk 2077 Map and Inventory cut off for ultrawide multi monitor resolutions on the right fixed


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Most of you are probably aware of the menu cutting off the left with wide resolutions. Found something interesting that may help others.

Surround at 7680 x 1440 = Menu cut off to the left Surround at 4320 x 900 = Menu ok but screen stretched With Cyberpunk 2077 running i changed the resolution in desktop to:

4098 x 768

Surround at 4320 x 900 = Menu ok, screen not stretched. So its calculating the resolutions available.

A completely new resolution appeared in the menu whereas before it was 4320 x 900 now its 4098 x 768


Ok Update. I some how fixed it.

Full resolution and my map is NOT cut if half. no idea how that happened. menu not cut in half

Latest Nvidia Driver 460.79 https://imgur.com/a/AXi6s3S

only change since yesterday "C:\Program Files\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\Cyberpunk2077.exe" --launcher-skip -skipStartScreen

I added the launcher skip and skip start screen switches.However settings menu is still clipped

Edit2: Map ok Inventory ok Crafting ok Character ok Journal clipped - https://imgur.com/a/Eq2hJFW

Edit3: Logged out and its cut off again sigh

Edit 4:Figured it out.

  1. Load cyberpunk is LOW resolution that works. eg 4320 x 900
  2. load into the game. Once in the game set the resolution to the higher one and the map etc is ok.

If you load the game with the higher resolution first its always cut off....

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