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Adding "native steam controller API support" to templates? (important for all controllers)


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This is a thing, it should be reflected on the wiki somehow. Maybe in the input template?


This is the only list of games that support it that I know of: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamController/wiki/official-support Valve really needs to add a flag for it on the store.


If you haven't heard about about the Steam Controller API it's basically a native way to edit and share input bindings to controllers via Steam, any game on steam can already do this but the ones who implement the API lets you basically map jump to A instead of mapping spacebar to A. It works with any Dual Shock 4 and any xinput controller and the original steam controller.

Lots of info and valve presentations about it here: https://boilingsteam.com/steam-dev-days-2016-the-steam-controller-api/


I kind of wish this wiki had self propagating lists that just show up when a games wikipage says it supports something, just to have a current list of games that supported this for example.


This wiki doesn't mention steam controllers anywhere really, it's a cool feature in steam that helps lots of people to play all games with lots of controllers.

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I have actually asked this in past, many times, as there are several games that support this. 


However the amount at least right now is like handful. Rest, if they have the support, it's nearly impossible to see what's differend to regular XInput support. If developer adds custom bindings for their game that does not count as support. 

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