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Expanding the Images Policy


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An issue I'm seeing is that even with the guidelines, images are still being named haphazardly with little in the way of consistency. We should try creating a new recommended format (the current one I personally think is somewhat redundant) and some general file names to be used for most cases (general video, audio, external general, etc.).


Once that is settled, the Policy should be enforced as to actually be effective.


Thoughts on this?

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I agree and approve of such a change.


Right now, Soeb and I upload all our images with the format "Game title - X", where X would be cover, video settings, audio settings, etc. Whatever is relevant to the image. I don't know if we should use that as the general guideline, but I think it works reasonably well.


Whatever we decide on, we should definitely put a note on the Upload page to make sure people follow the guidelines.

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I agree and approve of such a change.


Right now, Soeb and I upload all our images with the format "Game title - X", where X would be cover, video settings, audio settings, etc. Whatever is relevant to the image. I don't know if we should use that as the general guideline, but I think it works reasonably well.


Whatever we decide on, we should definitely put a note on the Upload page to make sure people follow the guidelines.

The problem I find with the current format is that it's too general. It does not cover cases like if the screenshot is in-game, external, or launcher-based, specific naming guidelines are not available to give a consistent label for each one, and the "_-_" portion feels like unnecessarily extending a file name length. A file name should be as short as possible, while still providing the most amount of information. 


Here's the format I use:


<full game name>_<menu type (left blank if in-game)>_<menu purpose ("general" or "advanced" added if needed)>_<image series # (if applicable)>.png






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and the "_-_" portion feels like unnecessarily extending a file name length.

I haven't used "_-_" anywhere as simple " - " works just fine. It's "_-_" in URL bar and having " - " makes it easier to distinguish when the game name ends and purpose starts. 


I like the way you think that filename should mirror what part of game does it refer to, but I also feel that it would be in most cases useless and drive away some users who would like to post screens but are afraid they mess up super strict naming stuff. 

Most games don't even have more than one image per one setting type so having games name is visible in files name is in most cases just fine. 

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