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Showing results for tags 'official patch'.
- official patch
- atari
- (and 4 more)
Version Unknown
Official patch for Backyard Soccer MLS Edition originally from Atari SA's servers. The patch file is a self-extracting ZIP that contains just one file: SoccerMLS.u32. To install, just run the self-extractor to unzip to the game's install folder (defaults to C:\HEGames\SoccerMLS). If it doesn't extract properly, use a program such as 7-Zip to open the self-extractor and copy the file to the game's install folder. The patch was retrieved from an archive dump of Atari SA's servers.-
- atari
- backyard sports
- (and 4 more)
Version 1.0.0
This is the official HD Model pack from Gearbox/Valve extracted directly from the Blue Shift installation disk. Uploaded here since this cannot be easily found online. Notes: Steam Versions has this patch already built-in and can be enabled or disabled from within the game's options. If a prompt shows up saying the games need to be updated first, go to This ModDB page to get all official patches for Half-Life and its expansions. You can choose which games the HD Model pack can be installed to. Installation: 1. Extract all files to any directory on your system. The Upgrade_Kit folder and upgradekit.exe MUST Stay together in the same directory to uninstall the pack, otherwise just the exe is needed as the HD files are located within it. 2. Run upgradekit.exe and follow instructions. If an error saying a "ridiculous amount of space needs to be cleared first" pops up, simply press ignore. -
Version unknown
Polski: Przypadkowo dodałem ten sam opis do wersji, która faktycznie daje się odpalić, jak i do tej pierwszej, przy której zauważyłem problem przy wypakowywaniu z pliku .rar . Faktyczny opis prawidłowego pliku znajduje się w opisie „aktualizacji”. English: I've acidentally added the same description of version, which really can be run and for the first one, in which i saw the problem with unpacking the .rar file. The actual description of the correct file is in the description of the "update". Esperanto: Mi akcidente aldonis la saman priskribon de la versio, kiu vere funkcias, sed ankaŭ al ĉi–unuan, ĉe kiu mi rimarkis la problemon kun malpakumigado la dosieron .rar. La priskribo de la korektan dosieron troviĝas en la priskribo de la «aktualigo».-
- tomb raider translations
- translations
(and 13 more)
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