Original description:
"The Better Bloom Mod turns down all the bloom to more reasonable values in the games’ levels, as well as tweaking other aspects of the sky, such as the suns’ intensity.
The Purpose of this mod is to not disable the bloom (as the game looks a little off without it; it was clearly made with it in mind), but tones it down to more reasonable levels.
This, in general, tones down:
The overexposure Bloom when you exit buildings (varies by level due to implementations between levels differing)
The Berlin light-cubes are now much less distracting
Chongqing has less bloom in general
HAVEN Island’s storm is now much more grey/blue
The Sun is now visible (where applicable)."
Original source: HITMAN 3 - Modding Thread
I'm uploading this mod here for preservation purposes, since the original mod author took it down from Nexus Mods.
Dribbleondo - Making this mod.
Me - Re-uploading it here.