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Version 1.352
Mortyr 2: For Ever patch 1.352 It fixes a rare issue in Windows XP SP2 ("flying up" when the game starts) and some other minor problems. Patch works with the following language versions: English, German, French and Polish. Other language versions are already updated to v1.352. Taken from the official website (archived). -
Version 1.0.0
English: Official french localization extracted from the official french version of the game. It includes french subtitles only, due to fact that french version was without dubbing. French installer. Install the localization in the same folder as the game was installed. After uninstallation you may need to reinstall the game to go back to your previously installed localization. Polski: Oficjalne francuskie tłumaczenie gry wyodrębnione z oficjalnej francuskiej wersji gry. Zawiera wyłącznie francuskie napisy, ponieważ wersja francuska nie zawierała dubbingu. Instalator w języku francuskim. Zainstaluj tłumaczenie w tym samym folderze, w którym została zainstalowana gra. Po odinstalowaniu może być wymagana reinstalacja gry by powrócić do wcześniejszej wersji językowej. Esperanto: Oficjala franca traduko de la ludo eltirita el la oficjalan francan version de la ludo. Ĝi enhavas nur la francaj subtekstoj ĉar franca versio ne enhavis la dabingon. Franca instalilo. Ekinstalu la tradukon en la sama dosierujo, en kiu la ludo estis ekinstalita. Post la malinstaligon vi eblos bezoni reinstali la ludon, por ke reveni al antaŭe ekinstalitan lingvversion de la ludo.-
- localization
- french
- (and 6 more)
Version 1.0.5
French translation for Half-life Decay This patch add official French voices and texts (extracted from the Playstation 2 version) to the PC port of Half Life Decay. INSTALLATION * Install half-life decay * Launch the game one time, so it will create missing necessary file. * Copy folders decay and decay_french of this zip to folder steam\SteamApps\YOURACCOUNT\half-life\ * Overwrite any folders and files if present. * Launch the game, voices and texts should be in French now. 1.05 (03.03.2023) Text fix. Fix missing voice in bonus level. 1.0.4 Fix missing voice in bonus level. Fix missing translated texts in main menu and game settings. 1.03 Add translation of the manual Translation of the stats info page ( steam\SteamApps\YOURACCOUNT\half-life\decay\manual\manual.xml ) Translation of credits 1.02 Add texts translation Add and tweak missing file titles.txt 1.01 Add missing file sentences.txt Fix voice announcements not in french.-
- half-life: decay
- french
(and 1 more)
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Changes German and French package files to empty counterparts and deletes video files for the same languages. This modification should shrink game's size by ~11,37GB. Installation: Unpack archive into the game's main folder (eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning) and run "patch.bat" file.-
- german
- language files
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Version 1.0.0
Unofficial translation for swat4 addon The Stetchkov Syndicate The base game Swat 4 have an official french translation, but the expansion has never been translated. This patch will add a french translation (text only) to the game expansion. Multiplayer compatible. Installation Copy all file in the main game folder. Edit the SWAT 4\ContentExpansion\System\Swat4X.ini Change line Language=int to Language=frt-
- french
- translation
(and 2 more)
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