Version 1.1
Original file:
This patch will upgrade the North American version of Submarine Titans to version 1.1
A lot of reported bugs have been fixed and network play has been optimized. Here is the full list of fixes:
Bug Fixes:
Fixed bug in Power Protector where if 2 protectors were built next to each other , it would close and recharge.
Fixed bug in teleport recharge.
Fixed bug in restart game for campiagn mission.
Fixed bug in Development technology for Silicon Campiagn missions
Fixed bug in drawing technology tree (yellow boxes).
Fixed Mouse dragging problem in Windows 2000
Fixed Campaign Missions 5 and 6 for Black Octopi (Capture technology problem)
Fixed Campaign Missions 7,8,9,and 10 for White Sharks (Various bugs)
Fixed Internal Error problems
Fixed several Asynch bugs.
Fixed Internal Errors
Optimization of Network code for smoother game play.
Optimized movement of sea life.
Improved AI Pathfinding for Subs
Optimized Guard zone for subs
Increased hit points for the DC Bomber
Some more balance for the BO, WS and SI Civilizations
Updated FSGS DLL and Patch system.