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The Thing (2002) - Compilation of fixes for version 1.2

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 · "The Thing (2002)" - Compilation of fixes for version 1.2:

--- Fixes and improvements to "The Thing (2002)" (updated to version 1.2) ---

-All fixes should work for any localized version of the game.

-Fixed widescreen aspect ratio (Sui's wrapper).

-The fix puts the game at 32-bits color (permanently) and a resolution of 1920x1080, the in-game resolution and
color doesn't change (if wanted, resolution can be changed with DgVoodoo2 control panel and in Sui's wrapper ini
file, best if changed in both).

-Adds Antialiasing (FXAA) to improve image quality (with ReShade).

-Adds enhanced Bump-Map textures for almost every texture that support it (512x512 pixels).
    · The Bump-Map textures try to improve the flat original textures (no new textures were added,
    the game maintain their original textures but with Bump-Maps for them, so nothing was replaced).
    ·Bump-Mapped textures give a more dark version of the game (this was intentional).

-Vsync activated to prevent tearing (DgVoodoo2).

-Use of Anisotropic filter x4 (with DgVoodoo2) to improve quality of rendering distance.

-Enhanced environmental and sound effects with the use of Dsoal wrapper.

-Fixed credits music after ending the game (it does not appear).

-Modified game executable to allow 4 Gb of RAM and improve 64-bits OS compatibility.

-If needed: use the file "Reg Fix.reg", if the game does not work correctly as described on https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_Thing, this file adds support to put the game in any hard drive letter.

-- Use --

-First of all: Update the game to version 1.2 or at least 1.1, all european versions does not need to do
this, because european base game was v1.1 and this compilation auto-updates the game to version 1.2).

Uncompress and Overwrite (if asked) all files when you put them in "The Thing (2002)" game folder.

*Note: if you don't want Bump-Maps, delete or rename "Update" that is inside "Bin" folder.


*** Known bugs:

    1.-If you change the name of the game executable "TheThing.exe" widescreen fixes does not apply.

    2.-If you have 2 grenade launchers and restart a level when you die, it may not
    work (don't shoot), but if you drop 1 grenade launcher, then you can shoot again.

    3.- With "Bump-Map Textures" some surfaces does not reflect light when
    illuminated by the flashlight, this is a game engine bug, the game without
    bump-map textures also does this in some cases, but this will be increased with
    the use of bump-mapped textures (this only affects some papers, fences, windows
    and a few other objects).

· Credits and additional information:

· Sui's Wrapper (Suicide machine): https://github.com/SuiMachine/The-Thing-Wrapper/releases/tag/1.0

· DgVoodoo2 (version 2.55.4): this version are not available to download on the official web. (This is the newest
version of DgVoodoo2 that works correctly with "The Thing". Newer versions behave strangely with the flashlight).

· ReShade (version 4.9.1): https://www.mediafire.com/file/wdfnrzhsk0bea07/ReShade_Setup_4.9.1.exe/file
    -ReShade with the name: "d3d11.dll" working thanks to DgVoodoo2.

· ULtimate ASI Loader: https://github.com/ThirteenAG/Ultimate-ASI-Loader/releases
    -Ultimate ASI Loader with the name: "dinput8.dll". Used to load Sui's Wrapper and Bump-Map textures.

· Dsoal sound wrapper: http://vaporeon.io/hosted/dsoal-builds/

· Fjapo: modified "TheThing.exe" to allow the use of 4Gb of RAM and all texture bump-map enhancements.


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