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Blade The Edge of Darkness - Fixes+Textures - (Spanish)

10 Screenshots

About This File

-"Blade - The Edge of Darkness / Severance":

This fix aims to convert all "original" versions of Blade / Severance (classic versions) to Spanish.

*** Installation ***

-Copy the contents of the fix on the main game directory, overwriting all when asked.

· This improves / adds / repairs:

-Some fixes are universal, affect all versions of the game, but a lot of fixes here are exclusive to the
Spanish version of the game (enhanced spanish texts and added missing slats to some levels).

-Increased the number of savegames allowed for ALL versions of the game (14 slots now).

-Windows does not ask to install "DirectPlay".

-Modified executables and Direct3D / OpenGL / Glide rasters to allow (fixed) support for 16:9 resolutions.

** I only recommended to use "Direct3D" as video option (D3d_HD). **

-Widescreen resolutions without stretching characters.

-Uses a "d3d11" wrapper (dgvoodoo2) fixing many graphical problems (game is limited to 60 FPS).

-Applied "Dsoal" sound wrapper, any sound driver can be used (Miles Fast 2D is recommended, but try yourself).

-Added FXAA to the game with ReShade.

-Spanish voices from the original Spanish version of the game.

-Spanish texts have been reordered and fixed.

-Controls are redefined to use a more "modern" key configuration, you can change it, but now the "default" configuration controls can return to the "modernized" one.

-The map to choose missions is fixed (as much as it can be) for all resolutions.

-Restored cosmetic content, Gold and Dark orcs appear in some leveles.

-All elemental weapons do more damage, base damage remains the same as in the weapon slat says.

-Blade Sword now has a "lightning" effect when attacking enemies in both versions.

-"Trigger" activation fixes in some levels, player never gets stuck or dies after certain cutscene.

-Buggy elements from original game deactivated (sun and almost all flares deactivated, cause of slowdowns).

-Improved some aesthetics (fire texture, glitters, etc.).

-Enhancements in water splash, blood splash and other cosmetic elements, restored dark blood for undead.

-(Optional - only on file: "Blade The Edge of Darkness - Fixes+Textures - (Spanish)": Added enhanced
 "original" textures (not HD textures) to all levels, an improved "classic" feel to the game.

-To use the fix with other languages do this (remember that some fixes only apply to Spanish):
go to the folder "Config" then find the file "Lang.ini" and do this:

--For Spanish language-- (default)


--For English language (GOG version/Others)--


* Note (initial video wich running with the game executable is buggy):

· The video is in this fix, with the name of "main (original).mpg", so you can see it with any video player.

-Rename or delete "main.mpg" in "<game directory>\Data\video\Spanish", to start the game without bugs.
-Rename or delete "main.mpg" in "<game directory>\Data\video\EnglishUS", to start the game without bugs.
-This applies to all local versions of the game: "<game directory>\Data\video\<local version>"

** -- Important -- **

-Before you try to run "Blade - The Edge of Darkness / Severance" close all background programs (not icons),
because this game is very sensitive and desyncs sound and text if you have other programs, like web browsers,
active. I test this a lot and text with sound desyncs where caused by active background programs.

-Execute the game using "Blade_HD.exe", go to configuration options and use "D3d_HD" as Video option.
(Direct3D is the ONLY recommended option, but optionally you can choose to run "Blade_HD.exe" with
"rOpenGL_HD" or even you can use "Blade_3DFX_HD.exe" and use "r3Dfx Voodoo 1-2_HD").

**Using the "original" executable with "D3d_HD" causes the camera to be nearer the character and the map to
choose level is out of range, so use "D3d_HD" with "Blade_HD.exe".

-For audio configuration options I recommend to choose "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio" for stability.

-If you are not using a fresh new installation, you need to delete the "*.pyc" files from all game folders.


· Credits:

-Almost everything done by Fjapo, with the help of some files (not textures) from BladeHD (SrRaulCL).

-Widescreen (HD) executables from: https://www.wsgf.org/dr/severance-blade-darkness/en

-dgVoodoo2 v2.8.2: ( https://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/bin/dgVoodoo2_8_2.zip ).

-ReShade: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wdfnrzhsk0bea07/ReShade_Setup_4.9.1.exe/file

-Dsoal: http://vaporeon.io/hosted/dsoal-builds/

-Other things I'm unable to remember (now lost in time).

-Fjapo 2024.


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