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Terrorist Takedown: Payback - FOV Fix

6 Screenshots

About This File

This RAR file contains modified payback.exe files that fix the field of view issue in Terrorist Takedown: Payback (2005), as the game stretches the image at aspect ratios wider than 4:3.

Supported aspect ratios: 5:4, 1.85:1, 2.39:1, 2.76:1, 12:3, 15:4, 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 21:9 (2560x1080), 21:9 (3440x1440), 21:9 (3840x1600), 32:9, 32:10, 45:9, 48:9 and 48:10.

Tools used: OllyDbg, Cheat Engine, HxD.


1. Extract the payback.exe that corresponds to your aspect ratio to the main game folder, overwriting the original executable.

2. Set your resolution in the Windows Registry: <HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\City Interactive\TTP_eng\V4D Direct3D Renderer>.

Instructions for other aspect ratios:

1. The hex location for horizontal FOV is in the address 00396FC0.

2. Open one of the modded payback.exe files in a hex editor like HxD.

3. Press Ctrl+G and go to the offset address in step 1.

4. Highlight the 4 pairs of values after where the cursor is positioned after doing the search for the address.

5. Go to the "Data inspector" tab at the right side and paste the value in the "Single (float32)" row (The formula is (4 / 3) / aspect_ratio ; example: (4 / 3) / 1.33333 = 1).

6. Press Enter and save the file. Your new horizontal FOV will be saved permanently.

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