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White Hat Pack (Missing on Uplay version, files taken from Steam Version)

About This File

So Watch Dogs released on both Steam and Uplay in 2014 with multiple editions - Standard, Deluxe and Gold (Gold contained both Deluxe Pack and Season Pass). The game had 5 DLCs total, with Deluxe edition including only Deluxe Pack, and Gold Edition including Deluxe Pack, Season Pass Exclusive content, Bad Blood, Access Granted and Conspiracy. The game was rather repackaged before the release of Watch Dogs legion into two editions -Standard and Complete, with Complete being the Gold Edition, containing all 5 DLCs. However, while the Steam version has all correct files, the Uplay version has the White Hat Pack (Deluxe Pack) files missing. So everyone who purchased the game on either Epic or Ubisoft Connect were unable to access the White Hat Pack. But the Steam version has all correct files, and a fix as simple as copying the missing folder from Steam version to Uplay version (as long as you own the Complete Edition or Base game and Season Pass on Uplay/Epic). Keep in mind that this fix is only for people who own the Complete Edition or earlier Gold Editions on Uplay, Steam version is already fixed. 

Installation:- Extract the contents of the archive, and drop the 'dlc_exclusive' folder on %PATHTOGAME%\data_win64\dlc (If you have the game installed on Games folder of G drive, your path will be G:\Games\Watch_Dogs\data_win64\dlc) and then launch the game, you should see the exclusive content ( 1 outfit and 4 missions) added to your save.

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