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Verok's (Verokster) Need For Speed V - Porsche Unleashed Patch (v1.06)

About This File

Description from Verok/Verokster's originally publicly available blog (https://web.archive.org/web/20220128183909/https://verokster.blogspot.com/2019/11/need-for-speed-porsche-unleashed-patch.html), describing this same patch:


This patch was created in the same manner as other great Need For Speed III - Modern Patch from belarusian guy VEG. Patch includes several patched EA Thrash (3rash) renderers for DirectX and Glide (nGlide). Also it includes my own created OpenGL 1.1/3.0 renderer.
This patch also includes configuration utility to customize patch options, like selecting graphic renderer, switching windowed mode on/off and etc.

Some features and fixes lited below. And also some of the problems which are still need to fix.
Features & Fixes:

    patch is based on last official v3.5 patch and includes all 4 official extra cars (928, 959, GT2 and GT3)
    CD check has been removed
    removed all registry linkage, so game is fully portable now
    added option to select several 3rash API renderers (DirectX, Glide and OpenGL)
    added option to select game Language (English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Swedish snd Brazilian Portuguese)
    game supports windowed mode
    game Menus and Movies render in 32 bpp mode
    game Menus and Races render in native desktop resolution. This option can be switched off (on by default).
    game supports widescreen resolutions (16:9, 16:10, etc)
    game supports more screen resolutions than before
    implemented proper widescreen support with correct FOV
    removed gimme.dll linkage (which has memory lag) and game decodes driver avatars by it own. So no needs to use EmulateHeap compability now
    CPU time calculation was replaced by new one, so race starts faster
    increaced CPU limits from 2GHz up to 4GHz
    proper textures details due to replaced CPU calculation (2 GHz limitation)
    proper hands moving while switching gears and pressing horn, due to replaced CPU calculation (2 GHz limitation)
    fixed game crash on Normandie track. No needs to replace sky for this track.
    Lens Flare disappears much less frequently
    proper ZBias calculation for Glide renderer, so car backlights are shadowed under treees
    game uses much more higher exterior and interior car detail level, same as in garage (check Boxter seats and wipes)
    cars LOD model has been replaced due to adding 2 hidden highest car detail levels
    movements Carrera spoilers are visible now from interior (driver) position.
    removed widescreen option from Graphics menu
    enabled hidden Texute Detail option. Hightest value disables texture mipmaping mode
    imlemented texure filtering for menu elements and fonts
    added option to disable filtering for all textures
    fixed missed / not lighted interior dashboards at night time
    added option for Car Control after finish line

Problems & Issues:

    on some PC, CPU problem still persist. To resolve this issue you can manualy set fake CPU frequency via patch configuration utility
    if your game crashes after returning from race to game menu - set 16 bpp compatibility mode for game exe
    as game uses garage car detail level, some Carrera spoilers designed not well (see gallery). If it's nervious you, please reduce car detail in Graphics menu

Thrash (3rash) renderers:

    dx7 - Thrash API v107 renderer for DirectX 7 - patched by VEG
    glide3x - Thrash API v107 renderer for Glide 3 - patched by Verok
    nglide - Thrash API v107 renderer for nGlide v1.05 wrapper
    opengl1 - Thrash API v107 renderer for OpenGL 1.1 - developed by Verok
    opengl3 - Thrash API v107 renderer for OpenGL 3.0 - developed by Verok


    download package below
    extract its content (by using "NFS" password), into your game root by replacing
    old files
    launch config.exe to make sure all options are correct for you
    launch game via nfs5.exe or via config.exe by pressing "Save and launch" button
    have fund 😉




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The OpenGL drivers started crashing the game for me after one play session. The first time, everything seemed to work great. Then the next time I loaded up the game, the garage preview is black, and the game crashes when launching a race (divide by zero error in Event Viewer.) No idea what caused this.

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On 9/12/2023 at 12:43 PM, tgp1994 said:

The OpenGL drivers started crashing the game for me after one play session. The first time, everything seemed to work great. Then the next time I loaded up the game, the garage preview is black, and the game crashes when launching a race (divide by zero error in Event Viewer.) No idea what caused this.

OpenGL never worked for me, try the nGlide option.

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Hi,I installed the patch and started the game. It goes past the Electronic Arts Intro and the Intro video with the Driver but then I get an error message with the following content:

Error: terminate execution?

FILE_Save - unable to open file . \savedata\nfs5.trk

[FILE=\real\cmn\hlsfile.c, LINE=628]

I can press "Yes" or "No"

When pressing yes the game closes when pressed no I get a second error box:

Error: terminate execution?

FILE_Save - unable to open file . \savedata\XXDefXX.sav

[FILE=\real\cmn\hlsfile.c, LINE=628]

When I choose No on both boxes I am forwarded to the character creation menu but creating a character leads to the game crashing. Any suggestions?




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1 hour ago, alegri said:

Hi,I installed the patch and started the game. It goes past the Electronic Arts Intro and the Intro video with the Driver but then I get an error message with the following content:

Error: terminate execution?

FILE_Save - unable to open file . \savedata\nfs5.trk

[FILE=\real\cmn\hlsfile.c, LINE=628]

I can press "Yes" or "No"

When pressing yes the game closes when pressed no I get a second error box:

Error: terminate execution?

FILE_Save - unable to open file . \savedata\XXDefXX.sav

[FILE=\real\cmn\hlsfile.c, LINE=628]

When I choose No on both boxes I am forwarded to the character creation menu but creating a character leads to the game crashing. Any suggestions?




It just looks like you're missing some files. Double check where you got the game from, and try replacing everything with a verified good installation source.

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1 hour ago, tgp1994 said:

It just looks like you're missing some files. Double check where you got the game from, and try replacing everything with a verified good installation source.

Hey, thx for the quick reply. I thought at first too it was an issue with my "downloaded" source but then I tried with an original CD I still had, same error.

BTW got the game running with the essentials patch, but also would like to see what Verok's patch is all about.

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14 hours ago, alegri said:

Hey, thx for the quick reply. I thought at first too it was an issue with my "downloaded" source but then I tried with an original CD I still had, same error.

BTW got the game running with the essentials patch, but also would like to see what Verok's patch is all about.

That's very strange... I'm sure you can verify that the files the game is looking for do in fact exist where they should be?

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I even copied the entire "SaveData" folder from my current working install (including the two missing files) to the directory of the faulty installaton with Verok's patch. Still the same error....

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7 minutes ago, alegri said:

I even copied the entire "SaveData" folder from my current working install (including the two missing files) to the directory of the faulty installaton with Verok's patch. Still the same error....

The last thing I can recommend is hopping in either the NeedForSpeed subreddit or their Discord channel and you'll probably find someone more knowledgable than me.

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On 12/14/2023 at 12:01 PM, alegri said:

Hi,I installed the patch and started the game. It goes past the Electronic Arts Intro and the Intro video with the Driver but then I get an error message with the following content:

Error: terminate execution?

FILE_Save - unable to open file . \savedata\nfs5.trk

[FILE=\real\cmn\hlsfile.c, LINE=628]

I can press "Yes" or "No"

When pressing yes the game closes when pressed no I get a second error box:

Error: terminate execution?

FILE_Save - unable to open file . \savedata\XXDefXX.sav

[FILE=\real\cmn\hlsfile.c, LINE=628]

When I choose No on both boxes I am forwarded to the character creation menu but creating a character leads to the game crashing. Any suggestions?




There's a fix for this on the PCGamingWiki article: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Need_for_Speed:_Porsche_Unleashed#Game_crashes_at_save_menu.2C_or_can.27t_load_save_file_without_crashing_.28.22FILE_save_-_unable_to_open_file_..5Csavedata.5Cnfs5.trk_.5BFILE.3D.5Creal.5Ccmn.5Chlsfile.c.2C_LINE.3D628.5D.22_dialog_box.29

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On 2/6/2024 at 9:53 AM, ks99 said:

Hi, thanks a lot for the reply. I already figured it out myself, the answer to my question was there whole time in front of my eyes lol. The game is running fine. There are still some minor issues, more annoyances but I can't complain.

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hello. Thank for the patch&work for this game but, where i can find tool about this

added option for Car Control after finish line 

I don't have option.


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I just get a black screen and that's it, have to kill the game with task manager, doesn't matter which renderer i pick.

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I have got this message when i try to load the game: "could not load" and something that looks like it has to do with openGL.
It does work when i choose nGlide instead (i was running it from a different patch before).
But while it does work on nGlide, i dont get a corrected 1080p resolution so i am trying to make this combined patch version to work.

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