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Launcher skip (work around) for prince of persia ww and ttt (windows only)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Short intro:

So I'll start by saying this is more of a work around. I will explain why towards the end.

The purpose of this is to make the games start up quicker through steam.
The reason this works is that for the games to start the launcher just has to be running and it turns out that you can get steam to run .bat files at a games launch.


How to install:

You just need to copy both .bat files from the zip file to the games root directory and then add to steam game launch options either

pop2launcherskip.bat %command%


pop3launcherskip.bat %command%

depending on the game.
Once you've done that you can just launch them through steam as usual.
You should see a command prompt window then the game should just launch and you can play.

If you decide you do not like how it works just delete the files and remove the launch options to return your game behavior to normal.



There are some slight downsides though to this method however, the steam overlay already does not work for me due to these games wanting admin access but if you've somehow got it working then it may not work with this.
The script and the launcher will both stay open in the background until you close the game where they will also close. The launcher staying open after the game starts is purely so that steam tracks that you are playing the game.



That's all the needed info, I'll now get into unneeded detail:

Why only a work around?

If you're wanting an actual way to not run the launcher then for the two thrones I believe the unofficial patch lets you run pop3.exe on its own.

For warrior within I don't believe there is currently a solution other then legally dubious means.


Specifics on how it works please:

So you may be wondering why it needs two batch files. This is because it needs to run as administrator and steam gets very angry if you try to get the .bat file to request admin permissions.
The dodgy work around is that the first batch file opens the second batch file as admin with powershell. I'm sure you could probably get powershell to do all the individual cmd tasks on its own but I couldn't work it out.
But yes only the second batch file is technically required other then the admin issue.

The second batch file first sets the current location as the folder it is in, then it starts the launcher and waits 1 second, after that the actual game is started, lastly it waits for the game to be closed and then closes the launcher.

There are screenshots of both files if you want to have a look before downloading.

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