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Fix Cutscenes crashing for Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, put in the same directory as the executable of the game.

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I do have a question about this fix:

This fix worked for me, but only if I also set my V-Sync mode to Fast Sync. If I set it to anything else, no matter what other settings I have, it still crashes during cutscenes with the same General Protection FAult error. I've enabled the Fast Sync setting on Nvidia Profile Inspector and that worked, but do you or anyone else know why that happens?

Before this fix, I still had to use Fast Sync but I could also prevent the issue by forcing the game to only use one core, though that introduced stuttering since the game was still heavy enough that one core wasn't enough for fully smooth experience. Forcing two cores made the game smooth again and would mitigate the problem, albeit it would still crash again. This fix is still the best fix since I could let the game use all cores normally without any compatibility settings and it still wouldn't crash, just again needing to force Fast Sync.

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