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Control Resolution and Aspect Ratio unlocker + UI fixes

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NOTE: the improvements from this mod have also been included in a new more comprehensive patch, which also adds HDR support, improves DLSS and textures streaming.

Only tested on the Epic Store, GOG and Steam versions, but it should also work on Xbox Game Pass builds.
Works with both Win7/10 DirectX 11/12 versions. Based on the latest Ultimate Edition patch (0.0.344.1879).
Just replace one or two DLLs in the game folder.

Aspect Ratio fixes:

  • Fix enemies health bar not being placed in the right screen location at any resolution above 16:9 (this caused a UI mess during combat on ultra wide monitors)
  • Unlocked aspect ratio restrictions (above 21:9 and below 4:3). The game is Hor+ above 16:9 and Ver+ below 16:9

Resolution fixes:

  • Fix DLSS not working at resolutions or aspect ratios that weren't in the officially supported lists
  • Unlock supersampling rendering resolutions (greater than your output resolution)
  • Added some resolutions to the game hardcoded list, but also dynamically added your current monitor resolution to it
  • A bunch of fixes for resolution management and swapping between windowed/borderless/fullscreen
  • Unlock DLSS Ultra Quality, which is still locked by nVidia, but might get unlocked one day at driver level

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While you are at it can you please fix and add the following features to your patch:

1. The game still does not list in the "Display" menu custom resolutions created by the user in the Nvidia Control Panel. Still have to do manual editing of renderer.ini to use them.

2. Add checkboxes in "Display" menu to disable screen space antialiasing (rend::RenderOptions::RenderDepthOfField variable) and depth of field (rend::RenderOptions::ScreenSpaceAntialiasing variable) effects (alternatively, only add such options to renderer.ini file). Currently need to manually hex edit the executable or use CheatEngine table to toggle these options in the game engine.

3. Optionally, add a command line argument to skip all startup videos with logos, etc.

Please implement above as part of this smaller patch (and not bigger HDR patch).

P.S. Yes, I know that without screen space antialiasing the game will display pixel shimmering artifacts but the resulting picture quality is still infinitely better than the default blurry mess.

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