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EDFix (Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain Fix)

3 Screenshots

About This File


EDFix is an ASI Loader plugin/mod for Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain, which fixes a lot of the oversights with the PC port.

Here's a list of everything that this mod enables:

  • Uncapped Framerate (By default, the game is capped at 60FPS)

  • Ultrawide/Multimonitor support (By default, the game uses pillarboxing and Vert- FOV scaling, which doesn't make ultrawide support ideal. This mod removes the pillarboxing, and adjusts the FOV to best work with your screen resolution)

  • Custom Resolution Scaling (By default, the game sets the internal resolution to 83.333% of the actual screen resolution. With this mod, 100% is the default, although this can be adjusted for performance or visual quality)

  • Custom Field of View support (By default, the game uses 90° for the FOV. You can adjust this using a 16:9 Vertical FOV value)

  • Adjusting Motion Blur quality (or the option to remove motion blur entirely)

  • Adjusting Anisotropic Filtering


Copy the plugins folder and dsound.dll (ASI Loader) into the "\EDFIR\Binaries\Win64" directory of where the game is installed.

Note: If you don't have any other Steam library locations set up, this will likely be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\paper".

Edit the "config.ini" inside of the "plugins" folder to change to your desired FOV, framerate cap, motion blur setting, anisotropic filtering option, and resolution scale option.

If you are experiencing difficulties launching the game or changes don't apply after installing the patch, make sure to download Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redists here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads

Source Code

Source code is available here: https://gitlab.com/KingKrouch/EDFix


While this is a mirror of EDFix for the sake of archival purposes, the latest version can be downloaded here.

Download includes the latest version of Ultimate ASI Loader.

Support/Discussion thread can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1039890/discussions/0/2270321250022100805/


User Feedback

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On 1/17/2021 at 7:07 AM, alpacko said:

latest version was deleted.

That was because I moved my Git repositories over to GitLab, and I made a new AppVeyor account so I could do private binary builds when I am testing the build settings on a new repo.

The page has been updated to link to the new repo and binary builds.

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