OFDR's default fov is 62, this changes it to 90 (or what ever you want if modify the script slightly. Remember that the game uses vert fov.)
How to use:
1. Install cheat engine. (It may be detected as a virus due to it being able to modify another processes memory)
2. Replace 'cheat engine' from the folder 'C:\Program Files\Cheat Engine 7.5' with something else, or close the folder before you launch the game. Otherwise OFDR will detect it and close itself
3. Move 'AAAAA engine.exe' into the folder you renamed and open it
4. Click the folder icon in the top left or hit 'ctrl+o'
5. Navigate to the 'Dragon Rising.CT' file you downloaded and open it
6. launch OFDR
7. In cheat engine, click the PC icon in the top left and select Dragon Rising
8. Select yes to keep current table
9. Check the box 'Enable/disable Script'
10. Play the game
Cheat engine
Island War 2017
NOTE: OFDR will close if it finds a process with 'cheat engine' in its title, you can use this guide to disguise cheat engine from it or use the one provided in the download.