I'm having problems running Super Kart Racing on Windows 10 and 11.
Upon launching the following error is shown: "run-time error '-2147221164 (80040154)': interface not registered", and if I select compatibility option for Windows XP or lower another error is shown:
"Runtime error 339 - Component 'mswinsck.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.".
I tried to reregister the library as recommended, but it didn't do anything.
So I've tried looking in the game files, and I found a dx7vb dll, which seems to have something to do with Visual Basic 6. That's when I landed on a PCGW page about a game with the same issues as mine.
I followed the same fixes:
I registered a copy of dx7vb dll on Windows;
I tried to set compatibility on Windows 98/ME.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to fix the issue. When I try to launch the game it closes, and if I remove the compatibility settings it throws a new error: "Run-time error '430': Class does not support Automation or does not support extended interface".