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Change game profile using NVidia Inspector as described here. Any driver 344.16 and below have poor profiles. We've used Aliens:Colonial Marines profile successfully. Changing profiles allows you to save your convergence with Ctrl-F7, improves SLI scaling, but isn't required for the fix. The standard Alien Isolation profile on 344.65 and above also works.
Run the game once to make sure it's installed, resolution and refresh are like you want. Make sure 3D kicks in. It will look terrible.
Get the fix as a zip file from here: 3Dmigoto-Alien-0.99.21.zip (or latest 3Dmigoto-Alien-1.1.26.zip)
Unzip the files and ShaderFixes folder into the game directory, for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Alien Isolation\
With that installed you should be able to run and see the fix.
Use in-game settings and set Particles to High, not Ultra if you use SLI and the particles seem bad (only draw in one eye).
If you use single card, use in-game settings and set AO to Standard, not HDAO.
Lensflare and bloom are disabled by default.
Re-enable them if you prefer. Edit the d3dx.ini and set the [Constants] field w=1. By default this is zero, off.
HUD+UI depth, including crosshair, are set to screen depth by default.
Set the depth if you prefer. Edit the d3dx.ini file, and set the [Constants] x=0.4 for depth, x=-0.2 for pop-out.
Note that this also affects some in-game items like terminals, which is why it's x=0 by default.
Set crosshair independent of HUD if you prefer.
For example, use the [Constants] z=0.4 for depth. By default this is set to zero because it also moves on screen info text.
Convergence may be too high by default. Use Ctrl-F5 to lower it. Advanced settings must be enabled in Control Panel.
x = 0.0 // HUD depth, 0.8=in screen, 0=screen depth, -0.2=popout
y = 0.05 // reflection correction
z = 0.0 // Crosshairs depth, 0.8=in screen, 0=screen depth, -0.2=popout, -1=none
w = 0 // Set to 1 to enable lens flare and bloom
Known Issues
Some lights will snap to different positions as you get close.
Planar reflections off floors is only approximate. Some may not yet fixed. Can be disabled altogether in game's video settings.
Some particle effects from fires show only in one eye if Ultra on SLI. Use High.
On drivers above 344.11 HDAO will show double images if on single card. SLI is OK, as well as Standard AO.
Aiming crosshair and dot are at screen depth, but can be moved deeper at the expense of some UI text glitches.
Depth of Field will sometimes make the blurred part 2D. Relaunch game, maybe reboot.
AA and AF are broken in game, not by us. Use downsampling, DSR, or SuperSampling for AA instead.
You may see ghosting because of hardware. The game is super high contrast, and bright lights in dark rooms can expose hardware limitations. Adjust your contrast and brightness and LightBoost to minimize it.
For areas with a lot of water reflections, you will need to tune it to look good by adjusting convergence, or disable planar reflections.
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