Version 1.0.0
These are the decrypt tool Gibbed.SpecOpsTheLine.IniDecrypt.exe and encrypt tool Gibbed.SpecOpsTheLine.IniEncrypt.exe created by Rick/Gibbed (Twitter, GitHub) back in 2012 and first made public in this XeNTaX forum thread and retrieved as archived by Wayback Machine in December of 2015.
Kudos to LowSpecGamer whom documented the Wayback Machine archive link on his video about the game.
Download the decrypter.
Unzip it in a handy folder. Such as %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\SpecOps-TheLine\SRGame\Config\
Open the file you need to edit with Gibbed.SpecOpsTheLine.IniDecrypt.exe (drag-and-drop).
Make the changes you want in the now unencrypted file.
Save the file.
Open the modified file with Gibbed.SpecOpsTheLine.IniEncrypt.exe, thus re-encrypting it.