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Version 1.0.0
Project Jehuty for Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner MARS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the steps below in order. 1. Download the files and drop the files in your Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner MARS steam game folder. 2. Launch game and select resolution and graphic settings. 3. Happy Gaming. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gsync and Vsync --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gsync only works properly in borderless window with in game Vsync disabled. Game will lock to 60fps no tearing. 2. In game Vsync works in Fullscreen mode 60fps no tearing. Gsync must be disabled or fps drop will occur. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All fixes are listed below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All ultrawide resolutions supported for 1080p, 1440p, 1600p, 2160p. Render Resolution fixed for all aspect ratios. Game window fixed for all aspect ratios. In game cinematics and gameplay fixed for all aspect ratios. Effects fixed for all aspect ratios. Custom UI fixed to 16x9. (maybe more updates in the future for ui.) Menu and in game maps affixed to 16x9. FMV's have been affixed to 16x9 as well with black bars. Main Menu Custom UI for all aspect ratios. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can report anything wrong with the mod on here or on WSGF discord channel. There is still small things to fix with the UI. Hopefully update will be posted soon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shout out to the team from WSGF for the support! This mod couldn't have been done without Phantom's SUWSF module. Big shout out to Phantom Gamers! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheers everyone and I hope you enjoy the ultrawide fix.-
- suwsf
- ultrawide fix
- (and 9 more)